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RSDfan1134's avatar

Literature Text

This depends on who you are.  This field is mainly used for the humans, but if you are not human, you can erase some of the fields unless you clarify certain things.

Your deviantART Username : RSDfan1134
Name of Character : I roleplay as many characters, but I will give you links to what they look like… don't worry, none of my characters are inappropriate… but usually I roleplay as my OC's, Quickstrike, Lady Hydra, and Captain Liatkcoc…

Age of Character :
Quickstrike: 23 Human years (and he's still very young)
Lady Hydra: 1,499 human years (she just crossed over from young adult to adult)
Captain Liatkcoc: 5,000 earth years (he's from a different planet)

Gender of Character :
Quickstrike: male
Lady Hydra: female
Captain Liatkcoc: male

Height / Length of Character :
Quickstrike: 6 feet tall, 450 feet long
Lady Hydra: 300 feet tall from the top of her head to the base of her neck, 600 feet (snout to tail tip)
Captain Laitkcoc: 5 feet 7 inches

Weight of Character :
Quickstrike: 450 lbs
Lady Hydra: 3,540 lbs
Captain Liatkcoc: 145 lbs

Skin Tone / Color of Character :
Quickstrike: green scales
Lady Hydra: deep blue scales with light blue belly plates
Captain Liatkcoc: he is fully armored and no one knows what his skin looks like (not even me XD) but some say he has light green and blue scales

Eye Color of Character :
Quickstrike: fear striking gold
Lady Hydra: a mystical, warming, blue
Captain Liatkcoc: light blue

Body Type of Character :
Quickstrike: average
Lady Hydra: average
Captain Liatkcoc: average

Hair Color of Character :
Quickstrike: bald but has a blue head frill
Lady Hydra: bald
Captain Liatkcoc: a beautiful golden ponytail

Hair Style of Character :
Quickstrike: blue head frill, but like a Mohawk
Lady Hydra: bald
Captain Liatkcoc: ponytail

Tops Worn by Character :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: a pretty jeweled neck bracer and wrist bracers
Captain Liatkcoc: black shoulder pads with a yellow outline, white and black chest plate, helmet that covers entire face, I don't know what you call the things on his arms XD

Bottoms Worn by Character :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: none
Captain Liatkcoc: jeweled belt, black underwear with a yellow outline, and high metal boots…

Footwear Worn by Character :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: none
Captain Liatkcoc: metal high boots

Hats Worn by Character :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: none
Captain Liatkcoc: helmet that covers his whole face

Other Worn by Character :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: none
Captain Liatkcoc: a necklace with a blue jewel in it, other than that, look at him and let me know if I missed anything

Common Outfit Worn by Character :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: none
Captain Liatkcoc: look at him! That is what he is found with cause he never takes his armor off! XD

Personality of Character :
Quickstrike: sneaky, sarcastic, somewhat cocky
Lady Hydra: kind, warm, and sometimes flirty
Captain Liatkcoc: strict, "do it yourself" attitude, and easily agitated

Physical Biography
This depends on what you are and how you look as that particular thing.  You shall use the format above to list additional details of your creaturely form below.

Species/Type of Character :
Quickstrike: snake
Lady Hydra: plesiosaur
Captain Liatkcoc: unknown

Hybrid Specifics of Character :
Quickstrike: not a hybrid
Lady Hydra: not a hybrid
Captain Liatkcoc: not a hybrid

Extra growths protruding out of Character :
Quickstrike: venomous scales
Lady Hydra: a pair of horns , tail, and flippers
Captain Liatkcoc: none

Coloration and Shape Teeth and/or Claws of Character :
Quickstrike: white, curved, pointing to him (so it makes it harder for prey to escape), a tail spike with deadly venom
Lady Hydra: white shark-like teeth, black lizard like claws
Captain Liatkcoc: no teeth no claws

Coloration and Shape of Tongue and/or Gums of Character :
Quickstrike: red forked tongue, pink gums
Lady Hydra: red round tongue, pink gums
Captain Liatkcoc: no tongue, no gums

Coloration of Fur / Scales / Feathers of Character :
Quickstrike: green scales
Lady Hydra: deep blue scales, light blue belly plates
Captain Liatkcoc: none, though some say his skin is light green and light blue scales

Style/Manner of Fur / Scales / Feathers of Character :
Quickstrike: bright green scales at the collar and at the tail (designed to keep him from getting vored =P)
Lady Hydra: nothing special
Captain Liatkcoc: nothing special

Specific Markings on Character :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: none
Captain Liatkcoc: none

Facial Features of Character : (cause they're made from me :3)
Quickstrike: his frills/fins, and he just looks like he'll eat you just cause he can xD
Lady Hydra: she's so beautiful that you'll be lost in her gaze for a long time
Captain Liatkcoc: he looks like a Megaman character xD

Bodily Features of Character :
Quickstrike: his scales and tail keep him from getting vored
Lady Hydra: she's too beautiful to insult
Captain Liatkcoc: he's like a tough general… he'll get your ass in line in no time

Unique Traits of Character :
Quickstrike: his scales keep him from getting vored, his venom will kill you on contact, and he uses his size and swallow ability against you
Lady Hydra: she is very big, therefore, giving her the ability to save people from shipwrecks
Captain Liatkcoc: he is from an unknown planet, his fighting abilities surpass everyone on Mortal Kombat 5 fold, and his jewel gives him his Psi power

Kelacaolican Information
Additional Game Information shall be included here.  This is for the chatroom.

Category : assassin, transport, and last resort fighter

Additional Information
Describe your character further.  All possessions and weapons must be below the dimensions of four feet and eighty pounds; especially for guns.  The barrel of any gun should at most be one third inches in diameter.

Nickname(s) :
Quickstrike: QS, Quick, snake, slithering bag-o-scales, beast, monster
Lady Hydra: Lady of the Deep, the Fair Lady, the rescuer, LH
Captain Liatkcoc: Captain, CL, general, captain bad attitude, captain solo

Abilities of Character :
Quickstrike: no powers; relies on venom and strength
Lady Hydra: minimum physic powers, creates currents
Captain Liatkcoc: legendary hand to hand combat skills, supreme knowledge in how to use guns and swords, read minds, advanced PK abilities

Occupation(s) :
Quickstrike: doesn't work, but if you can get on his good side, you can ask him to eat somebody
Lady Hydra: she's a rescuer… she saves people from shipwrecks
Captain Liatkcoc: he was a high ranked captain back at his home planet, but now, he just hangs here under orders…

Possession(s) :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: unless you count all the treasure she gains from sailors; none
Captain Liatkcoc: a special jewel on his necklace that enhances all his PK abilities, his beam sword, beam knife, and arm guns

Weapon(s) :
Quickstrike: venom, his muscles, and his swallow ability
Lady Hydra: just teeth and claws, but she never fights anyone
Captain Liatkcoc: beam sword, beam knife, multiuse arm cannons and other weapons he can transform his arms into

Pet(s) :
Quickstrike: none
Lady Hydra: none
Captain Liatkcoc: none

Family / Friend(s) :
Quickstrike: family was killed before he was hatched; he has made some friends along the way
Lady Hydra: everyone
Captain Liatkcoc: almost no friends…

Likes :
Quickstrike: scaring people, eating, sleeping. His favorite foods are elk, moose, and humans
Lady Hydra: saving people, lending a helping hand, getting treasure. Her favorite foods are strawberry cheese cakes, but she mainly eats fish and other sea mammals…
Captain Liatkcoc: being alone, fighting, the thrill of combat. No one knows what he eats, or how he eats…

Dislikes :
Quickstrike: people trying to hunt him
Lady Hydra: mean people and people who don't give her the well-earned jewels/riches
Captain Liatkcoc: other life forms bothering him, being asked questions, not being alone

Strengths / Talents :
Quickstrike: eating larger enemies, his quick movement
Lady Hydra: her size, her passion for gold and humans
Captain Liatkcoc: hand to hand combat, gun fighting, sword dueling, combat in general

Weaknesses / Flaws / Fears :
Quickstrike: eating something poisoned
Lady Hydra: treasure and strawberry cheese cakes
Captain Liatkcoc: being out gunned, and out numbered

Character Theme Song(s) :
Quickstrike: Coldbound by Catamenia
Lady Hydra: Sweet Dreams by Beyonce and Fly In The Freedom by Tabitha Fair
Captain Liatkcoc: Captain Cocktail by Cirrus

Brief History / Background Story :
Quickstrike: his family was killed before he hatched, and he slipped away from the humans when he did hatch. He met this old and wise Owl who taught him everything he needed to know and the Owl adopted young Quickstrike as his son…
Lady Hydra: not much to her… she saw someone in need, lended a hand, and she was given treasure for it
Captain Liatkcoc: he was under orders from his government to head to this planet, and he's been left here ever since waiting for orders

Reference(s) : visit my gallery! They're all there

Other : none
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© 2012 - 2024 RSDfan1134
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Neiot's avatar
Hello, Kelacaolican!

     It has been a while since we've seen you. I notice that your character sheets for Kelacao are still in our group's gallery. Well, since we moved to Discord (and Google Docs), there is a new location for these sheets. I will be removing all of the sheets from the group on the 1st of January if they are not migrated to that folder. Don't know how to migrate? Click here to join our Discord, and I, personally, will move your sheet to the Google Docs folder. Have a wonderful time! :eager: